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Researchers from the Rikkyo University in Tokyo have informed discovering a gigantic Object in the atmosphere of Venus, using Japan’s spacecraft called Akatsuki. The enormous Object is supposed to be a motionless wave feast over an immense area, widening for 6,200 miles in the cloud max of Venus’ higher atmosphere. Fascinatingly, the wave didn’t move over some days, but instead continued stationary over a hilly area on the planet’s exterior.


The structure was observable in ultraviolet images from Akatsuki. The spacecraft go in the orbit around Venus and this observation was made on the 1st day it entered orbit. At the moment, the precise characteristics of the wave are not clear. But the most probably clarification is that this was some kind of wave produced as air flowed over a mount nearby, from high to low temperature. This is more usually known as a gravity wave, where two areas try to balance out in steadiness like how a wave spreads over deep-sea. “This is the 1st proof of gravity wave transmission from the lower atmosphere to the middle atmosphere of Venus” Makoto Taguchi from Rikkyo University. He noted that 15 other curtsy shaped areas had been detected before, but commonly they move with the upbringing wind on Venus, this area remained static for 4 days.
Images taken over four days from Akatsuki showed the wave staying in roughly the same place. ©Planet-C
On Venus, a westerly wind blows up to 60 times faster than the planet’s spin, reaching speeds of more than 360 km/h or 225 m/h. So Makoto Taguchi said it was “astonishing” that the wave achieved to stay in the same location, signifying the process may be alike to how a stone in a shallow river can stop the suave flow of water.

“There may be a mechanism of gravity wave generation exists like a thermal tide or a mountain wave, which are noticed in the native atmosphere,” he said. “To answer this question we need more data that covers all local times and longitudes.”

Venus has tremendously thick atmosphere, which means it is hard to straight see its lower atmosphere or surface. This investigation proposes the lower atmosphere disturbs the upper atmosphere, so reviewing the last could disclose mysteries about the previous.

As for Akatsuki, well, there is amply more to come. The spaceship’s flagship infrared camera has been used to search the atmosphere in well detail, while a 2nd camera that can really see the surface in infrared has been looking for lively volcanoes. A 3rd camera has begun looking for lightning on the planet, with outcomes estimated in the next few years.

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