There is good news folks. NASA just publicized that any published study backed by the space agency will now be accessible to anyone around the globe without any cost. NASA launched a new public web portal specifically for this and anybody can access this portal.
This is an outcome of a new NASA policy, which requires that any NASA-funded study articles in peer-reviewed journals be openly available within one year of publication.
“At NASA, we are celebrating this opportunity to extend access to our extensive portfolio of scientific and technical publications. Through open access and innovation we invite the global community to join us in exploring Earth, air, and space”
The web portal is called PubSpace, and the public can access NASA-funded research articles in it by searching for whatsoever they’re fascinated about, or by just looking through all the NASA-funded papers.
NASA Chief Scientist Ellen Stofan said:
“Making our research data easier to access will greatly magnify the impact of our research. As scientists and engineers, we work by building upon a foundation laid by others”
At the moment, there are about 861 research articles in this newly formed database, and we can expect that number to keep growing as NASA-funded researchers get on board with this new policy.
As expected, there’s a huge spread of study already on offer, extending from workout routines to sustain health during long-durationspace missions, to the forecasts for life on Titan, and the danger of failurefor flight attendants wide-open to cosmic radiation. It’s all there.
NASA Deputy Chief Scientist Gale Allen told Samantha Ehlinger at FedScoop:
“This’ll be the first time that NASA’s had all of their publications in one place, so we estimate what our publication rate is for the agency, but this will actually be able to tell us what it is. And we’ll be able to show even further what we’re doing with taxpayer dollars”
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