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Yes this is happening. According to the InternationalBusiness Times, a researcher named Dr José Rodal left a remark on the NASA Spaceflight Forum about the pending publication of a peer-reviewed paper approving that the EmDrive truly does work. It has been also confirmed by theThe American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) that a research paper on the EmDrive is being issued in December 2016.

They said: “The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Journal of Propulsion and Power has accepted for publication a paper in the area of electromagnetic propulsion. However, it is AIAA’s policy not to discuss the details of peer reviewed papers before/until they are published. We currently expect the paper in question to be published in December 2016.”

The EmDrive is a debatable propulsion less engine that deceptively generates thrust using microwaves confined in a chamber without discharging any exhaust substantial. This appears to break the laws of dynamics, but there are clarifications on how this might actually work.

According to Dr Rodal, the newest paper says:

“Thrust data in mode shape TM212 at less than 8106Torr environment, from forward, reverse and null tests suggests that the system is consistently performing with a thrust to power ratio of 1.2 +/- 0.1 mN/Kw ().”

The jargon proposes the engine does certainly generate a tiny amount of thrust, even at less than the normal atmospheric pressure.

The EmDrive is not some wonder warp engine that breakdowns the laws of physics, but it remains a very stimulating development that could lead to inexpensive (and, over long distances, faster) space travel.

The thrust theoretically produced is tiny, on the order of a few microNewtons, but since it doesn’t need any fuel, it can be used continually and attain very high speeds over time. By comparison, our current rocket engines can produce more than 50,000 times the thrust of the EmDrive, but you’ll have to transport all the fuel with you.

The EmDrive is presently being tested at Eagleworks, an investigational lab set up by NASA to test new technology. A few months ago, Paul March, who’s working on the EmDrive tests, publicized that a paper wassubmitted. And now this declaration that the paper has finally been acknowledged for publication and has passed peer-review test is huge.

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