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The 7 Most Compelling Scientific Discoveries That Suggest Aliens Are Real

The fact I find most fascinating about universe is, every single one of us is made up of atoms that were on one occasion part of an exploding star, containing atomic carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen — some of the important constituents for life. Over several billions of years, these elements condense to generate gas clouds, ultimately giving birth to new stars and planets, which mean that the elements, and consequently the potential, for life beyond Earth are distributed across the cosmos. 

The final question is no longer "Is there any life beyond Earth?" but instead "Will we ever find it?" So here are some recent findings which point towards the existence of Aliens and where we are going to find them:
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1. Last year, a group of researchers, based on recent data, projected that about 4.5 billion years ago at least one-fifth of Mars was concealed in an ocean more than 450 feet deep. Any indication of life that swam in these waters might therefore be hidden in the Martian dirt. NASA made the cutting-edge proclamation that liquid water still exists on Mars at the moment, although in much smaller amounts than 4.5 billion years ago. This exclusive find proposes that fossilized ancient life on Mars might be secondary to living organisms on the red planet's surface.

2. Asteroids and comets are important to the foundation of life on Earth, researchers think. In specific, comet impacts, according to a study last August, likely produced amino acids to pool and form the building blocks of life. According to our current knowledge of solar-system formation, there are several other comets in other planetary systems that might be doing the same exact thing right now.

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3. Jupiter's tiny moon Europa is marked with brown traces that are supposed to show where warmer, duller liquid water in the moon's mantle leaked through its crust. Europa could dock more water than Earth, which is why both America and Europe are financing hundreds of millions of dollars into projects for future tasks that would search for life underneath its surface.
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4. Beyond Europa is Saturn's moon Enceladus, which researchers proved this month hosts a huge, global ocean underneath its icy outer shell. Just like Europa, Enceladus' ocean is a perfect place where life beyond Earth could live.
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5. In addition to those on Europa and Enceladus, massive underground oceans might exist on at least a dozen objects in our own solar system, planetary researchers suspect. The problem with spotting life on any of these is getting to the watery mantle that exists hundreds of miles underground.
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6. It is conceivable that life can only exist and flourish on Earth-like planets, which would mean our only chance of spotting aliens is on planets outside our solar system. Researchers spotted an Earth-like planet 1,400 light-years away. Its extent, orbit, sun, and age offer the "opportunity for life to arise somewhere on the surface ... should all the necessary ingredients and conditions for life on this planet [exist]," one researcher said.
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7. Researchers also discovered something they still cannot clarify: Remarkably large lumps of matter circling the distant star KIC 8462852. However the chances are quite low, the bizarre matter might be a kind of alien-built megastructure called a Dyson swarm. Right now, SETI researchers are using the Allan Telescope Array to regulate if an alien civilization exists in these star system 1,500 light-years from Earth.

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