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Richard Feynman Is Asked How Magnets Work, His Answer Is Mind-Blowing

The well-known Nobel Prize winning physicist, Richard Feynman, is enquired how magnets work. As an answer, you might assume him to maybe talk about the magnetic field or Maxwell’s equations … but nope … instead what he does is to disclose something pretty remarkable that cuts straight to the heart of what is being asked and how significant any answer might or might not be … for a “why” question. Why would he be asked this exact question? Well essentially because he won the Nobel Prize for coming up with the current mathematical explanation of the electromagnetic force, and this has turn out to be one of the most precise models in the history of physics, agreeing with all acknowledged experiments to an unbelievable degree of correctness. The following 7 minute video clip has been watched over one million times …

1 comment

  1. What an asshole. Just answer the question using math and physics. "Why?" ... Why are you so bitchy?


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