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NASA Conducts More Secret Tests Of Its ‘Impossible Engine’

Even though Warp Drive remains a dream for mankind, we might be getting really close to it. It seems that there are a lot of things impossible to NASA that turn out to be possible after the agency tested its “Engine Impossible” aka EmDrive in a hard vacuum and reporting successful testing. Just how close is NASA at making deep space travel a reality? According to reports, the US space agency has revealed successful tests of its impossible fuel-free engine that according to scientists BREAKS the laws of physics. The EmDrive or electromagnetic drive converts electrical energy into thrust without the need of rocket fuel.

‘Thrust measurements of the EM Drive defy classical physics’ expectations that such a closed (microwave) cavity should be unusable for space propulsion because of the law of conservation of momentum’. This incredible engine could actually take mankind to mars in a matter of weeks since it creates thrust by ‘bouncing microwaves in a chamber using only solar power. Even though it works somehow, scientists are unsure how it is possible since it defies the known laws pf physics. When this revolutionary concept was first proposed, it was deemed impossible by NASA scientists since it goes directly against the known laws of physics. But now, after a series of ‘secret’ tests, NASA has provided a new update that suggests that this futuristic “Engine Impossible” actually works, and it could turn out to be the next best thing coming out of the NASA lab since it would make it possible for mankind to travel into deep space in short periods of time.

It works… it doesn’t matter how… but it works

The EM Drive concept is actually very simple: the engine provides thrust to a spacecraft by ‘bouncing microwaves in a closed chamber. The best part of the engine is that it does not need conventional fuel as it uses solar energy to power the microwaves.

The newest update about the EM Drive was given out by Paul March, one of the engineers working on the impossible drive at the Eagle works Laboratory at the Johnson Space Center in Texas. According to March, NASA scientists have managed to correct previous errors in earlier tests while somehow still producing thrust. The EM drive was heavily criticized by the scientific community since previous tests were not carried out in a vacuum, exact conditions as found in space.

According to March, the unaccounted thrust is being generated by ‘something’ referred to as the Lorentz Force, which is a force exerted by a magnetic field on a moving electric charge. ‘I will tell you that we first built and installed a second generation, closed face magnetic damper that reduced the stray magnetic fields in the vacuum chamber by at least an order of magnitude and any Lorentz force interactions it could produce,’ he said. ‘And yet the anomalous thrust signals remain.’ The best part of the engine impossible is that if it really turns out to work, as it is now during testing, it would allow the creation of spacecraft that could travel at speeds until now only seen in science fiction movies. In other words, Star Wars and Star Trek wouldn’t be that far away, science an engine like this would allow a rapid expansion of humans across the solar system and galaxy. The successful integration of the EMDrive would mean a trip to the moon would take a couple of hours while travelling to Mars would take around ten weeks. Looking at a larger map, a trip to Alpha Centauri would take tens of thousands of years with current technology, by implementing the EmDrive, we would reach it in only one hundred years.

NASA’s future propulsion system directly violates the known laws of physics

According to Martin Tajmar, professor of Space Systems at the Dresden University of Technology wrote in a paper presented to the American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics’ propulsion and energy: ‘Additional tests need to be carried out to study the magnetic interaction of the power feeding lines used for the liquid metal contacts.’ ‘Nevertheless, we do observe thrusts close to the magnitude of the actual predictions after eliminating many possible error sources that should warrant further investigation into the phenomena. Next steps include better magnetic shielding, further vacuum tests and improved EM Drive models with higher Q factors and electronics that allow tuning for optimal operation,’ he added.

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