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Amazing! Scientists Are About To Launch A Spacecraft Able To Detect Parallel Universes!

Humans were made to explore new places and learn, where in ancient times explorers traveled across the oceans to discover new lands and cultures and bring home new knowledge of how Earth's fascinating history, even though there were several cases of bloodshed in the process. As time went on, mankind shot into the skies and into outer space to explore the cosmic vastness only to discover that the universe seems pretty much infinite with countless worlds to discover.

But humans crave for more and want to step up their game and breach into a new age of exploration by literally breaking the laws of physics. 

Scientists are aiming to enter and discover 'other dimensions' by tempering with ripples found in space, or gravitational waves. The European Space Agency (ESA) is planning on building a highly advanced spacecraft to help discover parallel universes.

Watch the following video to know more!

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