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Flat Earth Society's Response To Elon Musk's Tweet Is The Most Stupid Thing You Will Read Today

If you think the Earth is flat, then you’re on the wrong website. Seriously, what are you doing here? Why aren’t you venturing to the icy mountainous rim around the edges, bravely peeking underneath and seeing what’s on the other side of this galactic space Frisbee? Good luck with that.

Incidentally, somewhere else that you don't expect to see flat Earth peons is on Elon Musk's Twitter profile – but this is 2017, where logic is about as relevant as witchcraft.

Musk, a man known for his cosmic ventures, giant batteries, and curious, pun-filled tweet threads, openly wondered the other day why there isn’t a Flat Mars Society. After all, there’s a Flat Earth Society, whose adherents are just as odd as you’d expect them to be. Is Earth the only planet that’s flat?

Well, ladies and gentlemen, we have an enormous, game-changing spoiler for you. The official Twitter account of the Flat Earth Society responded to Musk’s tweet, and they have claimed that Mars, unlike the Earth, is absolutely, definitely round.

“Hi Elon, thanks for the question. Unlike the Earth, Mars has been observed to be round. We hope you have a fantastic day!”

Well, that’s cleared that up then. By round, we assume they mean spherical, but round objects can be flat too – so who knows, really. This is one of the stupidest response ever, and we are pretty sure that you will agree with us.

Weirder still, when prompted by a skeptical social media user’s use of a gif showing the Earth spinning on its axis, the Flat Earth Society account replied with an obtuse Star Wars reference.

“No! Alderaan is peaceful, we have no weapons. You can’t possibly –” it reads. Are they suggesting that our presumably flat Earth is about to be destroyed by the Death Star? It’s more likely that they’re implying that photographs of Earth that we see every day are simply fabrications – but either way, this is all incredibly strange.

If Mars is round or spherical, are all the other planets also round and spherical too? Are they suggesting that Earth’s the only flat planet in existence? Oh, so many questions.

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