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Japan’s First Woman Photo-Journalist, Still Shooting At The Age Of 108

Tsuneko Sasamoto is one of Japan’s first woman photo-journalists. Born on September 1st, 1914, she is also one of the country’s oldest photographers, and despite breaking her hand and both legs last year, is still taking photos. Sasamoto is now undergoing rehab while photographing flowers for a project titled “Hana Akari,” or “Flower Glow,” a tribute to friends who have passed away.

Sasamoto became a professional photographer at 25, and garnered attention for her photos of pre- and post-war Japan. Zaikeinews reports that Ms. Sasamoto’s inborn curiosity has always driven her to work. “Pretty scared but curious, don’t like it but want to see it. I feel compelled to face the world and let people know what I see, just want to have the pictures taken…” said Sasamoto.

“It’s essential to remain positive about your life and never give up,” says Tsuneko 

“You should never become lazy”

“You need to push yourself and stay aware, so you can move forward”

Dome in Hirosima after bombing, 1953

Geisha School, 1951

Soho Tokutomi, 1957

Antarctic ship Soya, 1956


Politician Inejiro Asanuma, 1955

She’s also a very stylish woman

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