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Quantum Weirdness Once Again Shows We're Not Living in a Computer Simulation

Since Plato was a little child, questions about whether our world is a simulation of something deeper have kept philosophers and scholars up at night.

Adding to the list of issues that The Matrix will not solve are a couple of physicists who have demonstrated that quantum craziness involving space-time twists cannot possibly be recreated. Sorry, Neo.

Researchers in theoretical physics Zohar Ringel and Dmitry Kovrizhin from the Hebrew University in Israel and the University of Oxford discovered a significant barrier to the solution of algorithms using quantum-based Monte Carlo simulations.

In essence, it means that not even the most powerful computer could simulate the known laws of physics.

You are not a part of a simulation. At least not likely.

Continue with us? Come on down, then.

Calculations based on random sampling of a system are called Monte Carlo simulations. They aren't unique to quantum physics, but they can help make the realm of possibilities a little bit more predictable.

Most of the time, they can assist in quickly solving certain many-body issues, which are systems containing several quantum objects travelling across various dimensions.


However, quantum Monte Carlo simulations are far from flawless. A sign issue, or a particular cancelling out of positives and negatives, can occur.


It might be avoided with sign-free representation, but there are many physics issues for which this is not yet obvious how can be done. In fact, it could even be impossible for certain people.


Is there any type of obstacle to discovering a sign-free method of using Monte Carlo simulations on certain quantum systems? That was the issue Ringel and Kovrizhin were attempting to answer.

If not, then perhaps, just perhaps, you are resting in a gel-filled pod with tubes in your brain as a massive computer uses you as the world's most inefficient battery to generate power.


If there is a barrier, however, that means that classical computers will never be able to solve the underlying mathematics to reflect what we are seeing in quantum physics. You may eat that steak knowing that it is made entirely of beef muscle and not just numbers.


The thermal Hall effect, which occurs when a solid object with a hot end and a cool end is placed inside a magnetic field, causes a temperature gradient throughout the object as well, is a phenomenon in condensed matter physics.

If you're a high-energy physicist, you may call it a gravitational anomaly, which is a little like thinking of space-time as skewed or twisted in simple words.


Theorists calculated the figures for models that used Monte Carlo simulations to resolve gravitational anomalies, showing that the sign problem is unavoidable no matter how you look at it.


Intriguing connections between gravitational anomalies and computing complexity are made by our work, according to Ringel.

Additionally, it demonstrates that the thermal Hall conductance is a true quantum phenomenon for which there is no local classical equivalent.


Putting Hollywood aside, certain intellectual groups are serious about the possibility of simulating the Universe, whether it is the one we now inhabit or one we create ourselves.


Based on a number of assumptions about the passage of time and advancements in technology, British philosopher Nick Bostrom has argued that it is plausible.

Physicists have noted that, given that electrons and atoms are not small balls travelling predictably across space, quantum physics renders this exceedingly implausible.


Ringel and Kovrizhin have given us even more reason to believe that, even if we were all using an extraterrestrial version of Windows 11, it was not something we could readily conceive.

It seems like we are confined to this situation. So why not start making the most of it?

Science Advances reported the results of this study.

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