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Researchers suggest that wormholes may look almost identical to black holes

According to data discovered by a team of researchers at Sofia University, the lack of observation of wormholes may be due to the fact that they resemble black holes nearly exactly.

Petya Nedkova, Galin Gyulchev, Stoytcho Yazadjiev, and Valentin Delijski compare theoretical linear polarisation from an accretion disc that would be located around a class of static traversable wormholes to photographs of black holes in their research that was published in the journal Physical Review D.

Science fiction authors and scientists have debated the theoretical viability of a wormhole for a long time. According to theory, such a thing would resemble a tunnel that connects two separate cosmological regions. By taking a shortcut, passing through the tunnel would make it possible to go to far-off places in ways that aren't available to spacecraft that can't move faster than the speed of light.


Sadly, no wormhole has ever been seen, and there isn't even any tangible proof that they exist. Astrophysicists still believe they exist because the evidence for their existence is so compelling. The issue is that we've either been looking for them in the wrong places or don't have the technology to notice them.

The researchers in Bulgaria contend that the latter is the issue in this new endeavor. They have discovered theory-based evidence that shows they may be there in the night sky, hidden from view, and that the only reason we haven't noticed them is that we think they are black holes.

Studying wormhole theories and then using what was learned to build simulations with a focus on the polarity of the light that such an object would emit—as well as taking into account the features of an imagined disc encircling its mouth—were the tasks at hand. They then compared the direct and indirect representations of wormholes to black holes and discovered striking similarities between the two.

According to the researchers, it should be feasible to distinguish between wormholes and black holes by observing minute variations in their polarisation patterns, intensities, and radii.

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