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Physicists Propose A 'Mirror Universe' Where Time Moves Backwards

Two teams of researchers have been studying the flow of time in the universe. They have put forward the theory that the Big Bang could have produced a second mirror Universe where the time flows in the backward direction. The physicists proposed that the time flows in reverse direction in that mirror Universe.

The physicist, Julian Barbour from the University of Oxford in UK told “Time does not pre-exist. The direction and flow of time we have to conclude from what is happening in the Universe. When we consider it that way, it is predictable to say that time starts at the central point and flows away in opposite directions.”

Physicists have been studying for decades over the fact that it is not vital for time to move forward. Lee Billings states that “Whether through Newton’s gravitation, Maxwell’s electrodynamics, Einstein’s special and general relativity or Quantum Mechanics, all the equations show that our Universe work precisely whether the time flows backward or forward.”

In 1927, a British astrophysicist Arthur Eddington suggested that there exists an arrow of time. The second law of thermodynamic states, in any isolated system such as universe, entropy keeps on increasing. Our concept of Universe is that the Big Bang began with low entropy and then everything moved toward high entropy. But this theory does not let the time to move backward but the other laws of physics do.

Two more physicists, Sean Carroll from the California Institute of Technology and Alan Guth from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) used a different particle model and concluded the same result. In this particle model, they produced a cloud of finite particles and released it into an infinite Universe. They noticed the formation of 2 different arrows of time, one of them was directing toward the center where there was low entropy and the other was heading toward increasing entropy.

Finally the whole cloud was spreading, giving rise to entropy between them. Probably this central part with low entropy agrees Big Bang, satisfying the concept of no beginning of time. Carroll and Guth have declared their findings and documented that there are many drawbacks and still need to be corrected. But with Barbour’s team’s joint study, it is worthy to say that there is something else other than this single universe, which was created from the beginning of time. However, I suppose that the Time Bat was correct.

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