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Physicists agree that 13-15 billion years ago our universe was shaped by a Big Bang. But where did that Big Bang come from? A new theory suggested by a group of physicists offers the likelihood that our universe is nestled inside a black hole. We may have a mother universe that is one of many universes, and black holes may be the passageways among them, as reported by National Geographic.

Dr. Nikodem Poplawski of the University of New Haven is one such physicist supporting this yet unprovable theory, according to The Mother Nature Network. Black holes are generally believed to be "death traps" with gravity that works like a high-powered vacuum from which nothing, even light, can escape. They are thought to be at the center of every galaxy, including our Milky Way. Once these black holes touch the limit of their singularity, according to Dr. Poplawski, and can no longer withstand the weight, of say, billions of suns, it leads to a big bang.

From The Mother Nature Network:
"According to Dr. Poplawski, the reason for such a limit (and, subsequently, the universe-creating explosion that follows) is that black holes spin. They spin at near-light speeds. This, in turn, produces a huge amount of torsion. Thus, such massive black holes are not just extremely tiny and enormously heavy, they are also twisted and compressed. The multitude of forces at work are so powerful that a bursting point is ultimately reached. This, Poplawski suggests, is how the Big Bang happened, however he prefers to call it 'the big bounce.'"

Dr. Michio Kaku has written about why he thinks the name "Big Bang" does not effectively describe the birth of our universe, and argues that string theory could best explain what created it:

"First of all, the Big Bang wasn't very big. Second of all, there was no bang. Third, Big Bang Theory doesn't tell you what banged, when it banged, how it banged.  It just said it did bang.  So the Big Bang theory in some sense is a total misnomer.

We need a theory that goes before the Big Bang, and that's String Theory.  String Theory says that possibly two universes rammed into each other to make our universe, or maybe our universe is butted from another universe leaving an umbilical cord."

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This black hole argument to explain the Big Bang is yet another one in support of the Multiverse Theory, which was once considered "the crazy aunt of quantum theory."

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1 comment

  1. They need to take God at word that created all things but then figure out how the earth and universe works maybe they would not sound so crazy with all these theories that they keep changing because they find something else wrong with their theory. This comes because they do not like to accept God as the Creator of the world. They will always go around in circles.


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