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5 Courses About The Universe And Earth That You Can Take Completely Free From Home

Are you curious about the Universe? Are you interested in planetary sciences? We are living in the age of information and it’s almost free. It’s never been easier to study about those topics you've been curious about, but never had the resources or time to discover further. Now, all you want is an Internet connection and a desire for knowledge. Check out our choice of free courses from edx below. edX offers education courses on a bunch of subjects from over 110 of the world’s best universities and institutions, the best thing is its all free.

When it comes to unconceivably dominant forces and astronomical explosions, it does not get much more astonishing than the field of astrophysics. This self-paced educational course from the Australian National University offers an intermediary understanding of some of the most deadly forces and magnificent objects in the known universe, from neutron stars and white dwarfs to supernovae and even hypernovae.

This exploratory course offers you everything you need to understand about the various ways researchers use Earth observation tools, whether it be from space, aircraft, or on the ground. With the assistance of course teachers from Chalmers University of Technology, you’ll study all you need to know to use, understand, and apply valuable observation data about our planet.

There's no superior mystery than the cosmos itself. Just consider, we don't really know what most of the cosmos is even made of. With the help of this Australian National University course, you'll acquire many of the great questions elevated by modern astrophysics and comprehend why we're so close, yet so very far, from answering them.

When you give it a thought, science is basically a way of looking at the world. Nonetheless, it doesn’t just halt at scientific exploration, you can apply this way of seeing to all types of situations. This University of Queensland course demonstrates how science can help you critically think about and appreciate the world around you. It’s also flawless training if you’re a high school student looking to further your curiosity in mathematics and science.

 Climate change is certainly one of the major and most debated topics of our time, so it’s never been more significant to know the actualities behind it.

Professors from the University of British Columbia will help you understand and weigh the newest science on climate change, as well as deliver key know-how on ways in which to connect the scientific and human matters surrounding climate science to a wider audience.

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