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The Hubble telescope captures a black hole that forms stars instead of absorbing them

Scientists using the Hubble Space Telescope have discovered a black hole at the heart of a dwarf galaxy that makes stars rather than devours them. This revelation challenges the notion that black holes are matter consumers.


Henize 2-10 | Image credit: NASA, ESA, Zachary Schutte (XGI), Amy Reines (XGI); Image processing: Alyssa Pagan (STScI).

In contrast to how stars develop in more massive galaxies, these stars form in an odd manner. According to the researchers, gas may be observed surrounding the black hole known as Henize 2-10 before it merges with a dense core of gas within the galaxy.


According to Hubble's spectroscopy, the outflow impacted the thick gas at a million miles per hour, much like a garden hose would strike a pile of dirt. The outflow propagation channel is dotted with clusters of brand-new stars, according to NASA. 

Black holes are frequently referred to be the monsters of the cosmos, capable of destroying stars, devouring everything that approaches too closely, and imprisoning light. However, comprehensive data from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope paints a novel picture of a black hole: one that promotes star creation rather than inhibiting it.

A gas outflow running from the black hole to a strong star birth area, like an umbilical cord, causes the already dense cloud to create clusters of stars, as shown in Hubble images and spectroscopy of the dwarf starburst galaxy Henize 2-10.


Before, astronomers argued that a dwarf galaxy may contain a black hole similar to the supermassive black holes found in bigger galaxies. Dwarf galaxies, which have stayed tiny across cosmic time, are a promising subject for further research because they may provide insight into how the earliest supermassive black hole seeds developed and changed over the course of the universe.

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